Hi to all my lovely readers, fans and naughty masters and mistress out in cyber land.
I have had several emails asking me about their position within the tgirl / sissy / gurl cycle.
At first I ignored the emails thinking that perhaps its a thing amount a few of you but slowly the emails have stacked up.
So I asked Sir - He was a little unsure and asked me to investigate. Well ladies this is what I found.
Our unique culture and the participants within our little kink of a group, fall broadly into several pigeon holes. That has been covered in previous posts and by other blogs in much more detail than my little head can deal with.
No the questions and emails were quite specific.
Once we (tgirl / sissy / CD / gurl) had stepped into the abyss and truly entered womanhood (most gurls agree that is after you have been taken by a man and not to do with hormones or how convincing or amount you dress - its a state of mind) then there does seem to be a cycle.
From my questionnaire (thank you all how responded and gurls those that did not will NOT be getting a special gift) and the 102 responses plus mine making a grand total of 103 gurls / sissies / tgirls from across the globe who spent the time to think and jot down their musings we have identified 5 key cycles.
Without further fanfare or time wasting I shall reveal giggle the 5 cycles of gurls.
The first event that seems to take you all rather obviously is 'The Slut' it seems once most gurls have been taken they search for manly men and increase their encounters exponentially.
Some girls were very clear about their need to be taken 3 - 4 times a night.
One amazing little vixen of a gurl needed to milk herself over 12 times a day - blushing now ladies that is commitment. Giggle.
Another girl recommend cock and champagne (it took me ages to find a pic I could use as she begged me not to use hers.)
Girls with partners increased their time as gurls and their submissive role within the household and their desires. Interestingly their role playing and game play increased much more than those girls not in a relationship.
A large proportion of gurls also started using the internet to select much more demanding and dominate masters or mistresses
Flirting often with several virtual lovers online.
We then move into a very interesting role. 'The Slave or Pet'. Almost every girl experienced this need after she had worked her way through several couples and more than 15 cocks.
An interesting side note up until this stage most girls referred to their partners as cocks and not by their name. My guess is this is a reflection of their slutty, don't care lets fuck nature and then things get serious.
Many gurls cite their first master to have been the most demanding and the master they have loved the most (lots of gurls crossed out love and added in Need and crossed out need and added a smiley. - I blushed because I felt the same - giggle funny how a gurl in Canada can be feeling the same as a gurl in the UK, US and India!)
The training was loved the most by you all and most of you agreed the spanking and the control and pet treatment added to the overall feel.
More than half of the gurls who responded had Masters with several gurls and the Queen Gurl, often referred to as the Sirs favourite and unofficially the bitch (blushing now gurls - giggle) would often spank and use other gurls.
You all agreed that the harsh-ish treatment was more sexual than painful and you all found that when you were made love to by your Masters it was more femm, more real more sensual.
Outfits, costumes also played a huge part in this cycle of a gurls life. The usual cat girls, maids, brides, schoolgirls all made a showing on the response form.
The next cycle is quite wonderful. 'The Friendship' All those gurls spanked, fucked and used by all those Masters form friendships - Master A has 4 gurls - they meet and they chat and soon they become friends, lovers - they have nothing to hide no secrets its a wonderful feeling someone else has forced these gurls together they have all spanked, fucked and abused each other. They have been pets, slaves maids to a Master and have seen reach other in the most humiliating and exposed positions and circumstances
They have shed tears together, endured pain and humiliation together. Their bond is as tight and secure as the leash or collar they wear for their masters.
There is always a favourite gurl she gets the most abuse, the most humiliation the most pain - she tends to be the most convincing her gift, the envy of all the other gurls in Sire Harem understand that its also a curse and begin to help her take care of her provide pleasure for her.
Why does she put up with it? Why do they all put up with it. A desperate need simply to be used en femm and they will take any abuse to be consider femm. Where else and what else is left for these women to do other than to become friends.
They begin to help each other rather than fight for Sirs affections.
They provide each other pleasure
They help brian the new gurls - they understand how demeaning it is and how demanding sir is.
This is the point where Sir starts to think he needs new gurls - he cam punish them harder or keep a few and break up the friendship - an easy solution is to sell a couple of the gurls if he is in the right circles otherwise he lets them go and starts to look for others. How does he know this - our weakness our need we wear our hearts on our sleeves he can see we care more for each other than him!
The next cycle is the shortest lived and again because our weakness and our need to be the centre of attention - if a room full of women is bitchy then a room full of gurls is a nightmare.
We start off lovingly
We share, we chat, we love, we giggle we blush. Its all wonderful then a Gurl experiences the next cycle prior to there other gurls she gets a real boyfriend someone who will take her away on holiday someone who is happy to be scene out with her. And as always its the most convincing gurl - so while she is away basking on an island or private boat having wild sex the other gurls start to bitch and then envy turns the bitchy banter to hurtful comments.
The gurl returns all smiles all bronzed and buffed ready to share her new body ornaments and cute jewellery
Her love making - she swears while blushing and bitting her lower lip that she had a true female orgasm...
She is amazing, stunning and her stories churn you up inside why not me why her - just because she looks amazing in a bikini and on it goes.
Finally one night over drinks you tell them about the early morning love making when he took you on the balcony while you both watch the sun rise
The gurls finally flip and the friendship falls apart you all split and go your separate ways.
From time to time you see the gurls online perhaps they have a blog - perhaps you have been brave enough to call them every now and then they pop up in a video or pic and you squeal OMG Lisa looks amazing, what is Tina wearing, what is Anna doing I always knew she was a whore and so on. But something remains unfinished something haunts you all....

Gurls I have seen all my friends humiliated I have had Masters email pics of myself and other gurls they have used and we have all ended up on the internet to be wanted by men or even women or perhaps even other gurls. Some hate us some pity us, Our need to be what we believe we are always meant to be. We chase the dream by dressing then by painting ourselves with a coat of felinity then we become more femm then most women for the lucky few not just mentally but physicality also. Slowly we seek a cock then drift to other gurls. But the one thing we all seem to seek it has become a gurls biggest adventure and that is to feel truly female and experience everything from a mind shattering orgasm to a period.
The final stage is The female Orgasm. Sadly perhaps we never will reach it - Some days I think I have then something else happens and wow that was more intense more real - perhaps we never can reach this pinnacle perhaps we need one of these
And several men to test ours out - blushing. You have to admit it looks a lot like fun!
Do let me know what you all think - enjoy the last few animations I hope they fill you with the same longing and desires.